Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, 

and Transform Your Life as an Educator

We all want our students to become effective leaders who transform the world in positive ways. Student leadership has never been more relevant than right NOW. 

But how can we best do this? Where can we find empowering examples?

We are proud to bring you an amazing book by two incredible educational leaders, When Kids Lead: An Adult's Guide to Inspiring, Empowering, & Growing Young Leaders, by Adam Dovico & Todd Nesloney. This book is filled with not only the motivation, but also the concrete strategies and examples that will allow you to make this happen for your students. 

Both Todd and Adam are long time favorites of all of us at DBC Inc.. Todd has been an author or co-author of Kids Deserve It, Stories from Webb, and Sparks in the Dark. Adam was the  co-author of The Limitless School. Now they have joined forces to create something super special! We can't wait for you to read it!

Below is a guest post from Todd & Adam. Enjoy! (Stay tuned for a HUGE announcement in the PS!!) 

Guest Post from Adam & Todd

Your voice. One of the most powerful tools we have to stand up for oneself or against injustice against others. We use our voice to share thoughts and to connect with others. For some, using your voice comes naturally. For others, it can be terribly uncomfortable. We come across adults each day in our life who want to speak up or know that they should, but remain silent. This is why we must offer lessons, feedback, and opportunities to our students to develop their voice while they are with us, so that they grow the skills and confidence to effectively use their voice later as an adult.  

To cultivate this skill in our students, we must first create an environment where it is safe to share thoughts and experiences without fear of ridicule. As educators, parents, coaches, and mentors, it is helpful to model how your voice can be used to effectively communicate. Let us show our children how to discuss, debate, and disagree respectfully. The point is not to always agree with one another, but to listen and empathize. We must also show our children how to communicate with each other clearly, beyond just through digital means, so that when face-to-face interactions occur, they are prepared for positive dialogue that shows their true abilities. 

As adults, we must also be willing to let go of control. It is tempting and sometimes innate that adults speak for a child. We often tell children how to feel, not realizing that children are human beings with the ability to convey feelings as well. We can point to any number of instances during the day where, if we were to truly reflect upon it, we could be stepping back and allowing a child to step forward to use their voice to advocate, share, and express. 

Inevitably, you will have children in your classroom or team on a wide spectrum of abilities when it comes to using their voice. The goal should not be to get everyone to the same level, but to raise the abilities of each student, so that they are able to look back and recognize the growth they have made in their time with you. You should also be aware of those students with varying needs, such as speech impediments, deafness, English language learners, or developmental delays. Speech and communication will be essential for these students as well and should not be left out of the opportunities to use their voice. 

When Kids Lead offers ideas and strategies that adults can utilize to train kids starting at a young age to grow their voice. From simple procedures like standing to respond to more ambitious ventures such as public speeches or student-led conferences, Todd and I will walk you through ways to build these structures so that leaders at all developmental levels will have a chance to grow. What we hope you will find is that kids have an amazing ability to rise to the expectations that you set for them. In the end, the hope is that children develop confidence in communicating with others so that by the time they are adults, they will be courageous and self-reliant to use their voice for whatever situation comes their way. 

- Adam & Todd

Thanks, guys!! Use #WhenKidsLead on social media to let us know what you think and pick up their best-selling book RIGHT HERE!!


PS: Shhhh! This one is still a secret for two more days but...we are letting you know early!! On Sunday, June 28th, we are officially releasing our second project with the wonderful Kim Bearden!!! Her first DBC Inc. book, Talk to Me, was a powerful look at how to become an effective communicator and now...WOW...she is releasing a true manifesto that may just change your life:

Fight Song: 6 Steps to Passion, Power, Peace, & Purpose

Deeply personal. Courageously vulnerable. Truly transformational. And the secret? You can actually order it NOW! is up early because we want to get it into your hands as soon as possible. 

Don't wait for Sunday when we will be publicly announcing it all over social media. Go RIGHT HERE now and get your copy before it sells out.