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In Teachers Deserve It by Rae Hughart and Adam Welcome, I loved the section about giving "Today's Best." Rae was nice enough to also share it in a recent DBC Inc. Sunday Seven post, and it hit me so strongly that I have mentioned it in two of my own podcast interviews since then! So, last week, I asked her to share it with my readers right here, too. 

People are flat out overwhelmed in education right now. Giving 100% might not be a realistic expectation for our students, staff...and ourselves.

What can we give? 

Today's Best. 

It might not be what you gave yesterday. It might not be what you'll be able to give tomorrow. We just want to give the best of what we have today. Right now, Today's Best is enough. 

Here's Rae!

Guest Post by Rae Hughart

You’ve heard the phrase a hundred times - “We are living in unprecedented times.” However, just as we did before, we will do it again… Teachers are out there supporting students like Rock Stars! We are working long hours, clicking refresh on our emails, and filling notebooks with scribbles from class discussions. Boy, we are surely living in unprecedented times. 

Nevertheless, it seems like, even more than ever, teachers are carrying the stress of needing to give 100% to their students each day. And the worst part is, a Zoom 100% Teacher is like a classroom teacher on speed! It feels like we have to up the ante every day… Can you say lights, camera, action, Teach?!

I talk with my students all the time about the inability for anyone (yes - including teachers) to give 100% all the time, all day long. It's just impossible with all of the other moving pieces in a person's life! Everything from a chip in your manicure to caring for a sick loved one can affect your Best. Negative situations will come our way. The question is, what will you do about them? 

So, I do not set an unrealistic expectation and ask my students to give 100% each day. Rather, I ask them to give Today's Best. 

Today’s Best is the best any person can give throughout their day at any moment in time. Sometimes Today's Best is only 90% of their typical effort, because they are struggling with a small outside factor. Other times, Today's Best is asking the student, friend, or family member to operate at 70% or even 60% - because at that moment, that is the best they can muster. 

Rather than set an impractical expectation when the going gets tough, simply provide the best you can for that day, at that moment. Because the truth is, no one - even during unprecedented times - can give their 100%, 24 hours of the day, 7 days a week. 

The best part? You can start over at any time! Why? Because sometimes a simple smile can elevate your Best immensely. It's amazing what some love and laughter can do for the soul!

So, what does your “Todays Best” look like? Take a pulse on your emotional state and teach your students to do the same. Then, share out how your Best is going today using #TLAP and #TeachersDeserveIt. Will you commit to Today’s Best?

- Rae

Thank you, Rae!

Much thanks to Rae for sharing her powerful message! Rae has TWO spectacular books with us at DBC Inc., and I highly recommend BOTH! She is the co-author (with Chad Ostrowski, Tiffany Ott, and Jeff Gargas) of Teach Better. The Teach Better team is leading a powerful movement in the educational world, and this is their flagship book. You won't be disappointed! She is also the co-author of Teachers Deserve It with Adam Welcome. This is an essential look at what teachers deserve, why you don't have it, and how you can go get it! This is NOT a book of complaints. This is a book about empowering teachers. Learn more about it RIGHT HERE!

Rae is a FANTASTIC follow on social media!!! Follow her ON TWITTER. Follow her ON INSTAGRAM.

Have a great week!! 
