Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, 

and Transform Your Life as an Educator

Super proud to share with you that #KidsDeserveIt co-author, Todd Nesloney, has delivered a powerful TEDx talk that I would love for you to watch. I have embedded the video below and it is well worth your time…you may want to get some Kleenex for the last few minutes.

I love his message about community outreach. Missionaries don’t sit and hope people will come to them
…they go out to the people! There is a reason it is called OUTreach!!!

I have been inspired by the work that Todd and Adam Welcome have done to create, build, and support the #KidsDeserveIt community. It is filled with powerful, passionate, purposeful educators who want to do right by students from all walks of life.

If you haven’t read Kids Deserve It: Pushing Boundaries and Challenging Conventional Thinking… What are
you waiting for??? It is a fantastic and motivational message!

Enjoy Todd’s TEDx talk below!