Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, 

and Transform Your Life as an Educator

An interesting fact you may not have noticed about Teach Like a PIRATE…there is not one single other educational book referenced in the entire thing. That’s not because I don’t like other educational books! In fact, I publish them and read them all the time! It’s because the #tlap philosophy was drawn from the outside in. It is a way of looking at the world and saying, “”How can I use that?”

I encourage you to read, listen,…and live WIDE! We can gain unbelievably powerful and useful insights from people in fields outside of what we typically consider “education.” Too many educators have tunnel vision and miss out on the opportunities that are available from connecting with and learning from successful people in diverse fields. We want to be students of excellence and greatness in ALL areas and then apply the insights to what we do in our systems.

That’s why I’m so impressed with the new podcast, StartEDup, with Pure Genius author, Don Wettrick and his former student, Hunter Stone. First of all, how cool is that? A teacher joining forces with his former Innovations class student to create something unique and impactful. Secondly, the caliber of guests that they have attracted to the show is UNBELIEVABLE! And not just the usual guests you are used to hearing making the educational podcast rounds (hey…not that some of the aren’t good, too! *cough *cough). People like SETH GODIN! What? One of my heroes!

All of the episodes are FREE! I listen to podcasts when I exercise, when I clean and do household chores, when I drive, all of those times around the edges of my life when I can easily do something extra to learn and get better. Go to iTunes or SoundCloud and download at least ONE episode today. While you’re there, hit the subscribe button and get the episodes as they are released. I know you will be fascinated by his guests and gain by having access to a different perspective.

Here is my deal. I really want you to go TODAY and listen to one. One of my favorites is Episode 32 with Seth Godin, by the way. Go and download ANY episode and leave a review on iTunes. The first 5 to do that and then leave a comment below will win ANY TWO of our books. All DBC Inc. titles can be found here.

Look at these upcoming guests!!



PS: You don’t have Don’s book??? Don has created one of the most amazing classes I have ever seen. He runs an Innovations class that teaches real world lessons in entrepreneurship and innovation. His students will BLOW you away with what they do. His book Pure Genius tells the story behind building the class and offers insights on how to take ideas like Genius Hour and put them on steroids!