Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, 

and Transform Your Life as an Educator

I’m super-excited to announce that my first book, Teach Like a Pirate: Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, and Transform Your Life as an Educator, is now out and available on Amazon!!

I’m announcing the release initially to my email, blog, and social media followers and offering it at a huge discount. It’s currently being listed at $14.97 (40% off the cover price of $24.95!!) until approximately October 27th when it will move to the full retail price minus however much Amazon discounts it. This current price is even lower than I will be selling it at events, so now is the best time if you’re interested. Thank you so much for all of your support.

 Click here to view Teach like a PIRATE on Amazon

The first section includes the entire Teach Like a PIRATE system that has been developed to make you wildly engaging in the classroom and dramatically more passionate and fulfilled in your profession. It is an inspirational message that has drawn rave reviews at workshops and keynotes all across the country.

The second section is an in-depth crash-course in how to craft lessons that will be irresistible to students. It includes over 30 hooks and 170 (!!!) brainstorming questions that have been specially designed to skyrocket your creativity and help you build outrageously engaging lessons. Apply these techniques and questions and you will have kids breaking down the doors to get in your room!

The final section, Building a Better Pirate, is a transformational message created to make you the most powerful force in the classroom that you can be. Teaching is a profession filled with many obstacles and frustrations; this section will help you steamroll past all of that and become truly great.

This has been a long, sometimes exhilarating, sometimes frustrating process, but I’m very pleased with the final outcome and I can’t wait to hear what you think. I made the decision to self-publish the book and then set out to assemble a publishing “dream team” to get the job done right.

My first major decision was to bring Erin Casey onto the team. She is a top-notch and amazing developmental editor and book coach with tons of experience working with both traditional and self-published authors. She has also been doing fantastic work for Success magazine for years. She provided wisdom, direction, and a professional polish to my words that has made my book infinitely better.

Next, I contracted with graphic designer (and book coach) Kristen Eckstein from Imagine! Studios to handle the cover concept and design, as well as the interior design and layout. She took my vision and crafted an absolutely beautiful cover and interior. It has a silky smooth matte finish and I can’t wait for you to hold it!

Finally, I’m working with Penny Sansevieri from Author Marketing Experts to help me get the word out and spread the reach of my message. Many more teachers will benefit from this message thanks to her advice and expertise.

I think you’re going to absolutely love the book. Please let me know what you think! It would also mean the world to me if you took the time to write a review on Amazon after you’re done. Those reviews can make or break you, and inevitably there are bound to be naysayers. I’m hoping they will be outnumbered by all of you! If you visit the Amazon page on a computer and you have a Facebook account, please help me spread the word by clicking the “like” button after the title.

Thank you so much for your support!
