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and Transform Your Life as an Educator

Have you set your 5 Word GPS for the next school year? Here is a video I created for Todd Nesloney’s (@techninjatodd) #summerLS voluntary professional development program. (By the way….not too late to join! Here is the link:!class-blog/c1ld3 )

This is a challenge I often use as a part of my Teaching Outside the Box breakout session. It is based on an end of year student assignment from Michael Matera (@MrMatera), a fantastic teacher and gamification expert in Wisconsin. You can find Michael on Twitter or at his website here:

Please watch the video and then take the Teach Like a PIRATE 5 Word GPS Challenge! I can’t wait to see where you’ll be driving your class or school next year!

Feel free to post your 5 words in the comments here or on Twitter. You can use #tlap, #summerLS, and @burgessdave if you use Twitter.
