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Inevitably, it happens at .08 miles. 

I don’t know why, but when I look down at my Nike Run Club app on my phone it always seems to say .08 and...I really don’t want to run anymore. I’m strangely out of breath. My legs feel heavy and sore. My shoes feel made of cement. My knees are aching. Nothing feels right and it just feels kinda...hard. 

Then that negative self-talk starts to creep in.

“Maybe this should just be a walking day.”

“I don’t have it today...this is going to be a bad one.”

“Damn...I knew I should have taken a recovery day.”

“Maybe I should stop or I am going to get hurt.” 

“I really don’t have time for this today anyway...maybe I should just head back.”

“I don’t understand why I’m not improving more..I should be past this kinda thing.”

“And to think I call myself a runner now...what a joke.”

Somewhere around .5 miles into the run my breathing regulates, my stride gets smoother, the aches and pains seem to work themselves out, and even though I’m running a bit faster it just seems easier. Typically, I feel pretty good for the rest of the run. And after? The best. Running doesn’t always feel good, but having run always feels amazing. 

Such an odd phenomenon. 

It’s not the start of the run. We feel good and are excited to tackle it at the beginning.

It’s not the middle of the run. We’ve found our groove and are settling in and have some momentum. 

It’s not the end of the run. We can sense the finish line. We already put in the work. We did it. We may even add in a little extra kick of speed or another loop at the end just because...well...we can. 

It happens just after we get going but before we’ve established our pace and regulated our breath. 

Why am I telling you this today? 

It’s because I’m worried about your New Year’s Resolutions, your “One Word” commitments, and those brand new 2020 goals you just set. 

I know you can start. I know you feel motivated now. Everything seems fresh and exciting and you are filled with a great sense of possibility. I’m also not really concerned about you following through if you make it to the Spring and are still feeling committed. You will have established new habits and patterns and created such momentum towards your goals that you will be likely to follow through. 

I’m also not concerned about you crossing the finish line strong if you make to the last quarter of the year and are still on the journey. You will have invested too much by that time to stop. Those new habits will have become a true lifestyle. You will have transformed your mindset in a powerful way. 

I’m worried about what is going to happen to you when you reach .08 on your path. Let me be honest, I’m no marathoner. I am a 5k kinda runner. So as far as a year goes, .08 to .5 miles is about the equivalent of 9 to 60 days. That’s right! I’m talking about from just under two weeks to about two months into this year. That’s where it is going to suck. That’s where the newness has worn off and habits aren’t yet established and you will likely hit some roadblocks and things are just going to kinda feel hard. 

And the self-talk…

“Maybe I should just quit this resolution like I always do.”

“I don’t even know why I set these goals.”

“Why can’t I ever follow through?”

“My willpower is so weak.”

“I just don’t have time for this.”

“I’m too tired and have too much on my plate right now...maybe this summer I will start again.”

“Who do I think I am that I can write a book?”

“I’m not even sure if I want or deserve that... job, business, body, level of fitness, goal, relationship, new unit, project idea, degree, self-care program, and on an on…”

You have to be willing to persist long enough to get your second wind. You have to know that it ALWAYS happens this way. Your mind is trying to trick you into quitting...and giving up on your dreams. You have to realize that just beyond this dip, this challenge, this truly sucky section on the pursuit of anything is going to get easier. 

I know you have your resolutions and goals all set. I know you are committed to living 2020 by your one word. 

But, whatcha gonna do at .08?

Champions are made at .08.

Push through. 

Everything worth doing and getting is on the other side. 

Happy New Year!