When someone who has dedicated their life to the pursuit of excellence in education decides to move on to the next challenge in life, it is fitting that they are duly recognized and appreciated for their life-changing work.  Teaching is a profession, like very few others, where you can literally change the world.  Over the

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Thank You, Melinda!

The “Little Drummer Boy” has been my favorite Christmas Carol for as long as I can remember.  Of all of the holiday songs, I can honestly say that it is the only one that truly moves me.  Always has…always will.  The idea of a young boy, too poor to afford a fitting gift for the

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Play Your Drum!

I was absolutely devastated by a conversation that I overheard recently.  I was in a professional development room setting up for an Outrageous Teaching seminar that I would be delivering to 2nd year teachers the next day and I was eavesdropping on a meeting between a 1st year teacher and her support provider.  The teacher

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Don’t Be Dragged to the Middle

I had a major reminder of one my seminar principles over Thanksgiving week.  I was home with my two children everyday all week while my wife was working.  Normally this would be fine, but I also had several things I was working on like sitting at the computer and brainstorming blog ideas.  As my children

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Don’t Miss “the Moment!”