Every March, millions of people come down with a very strange illness…Bracket Fever. I know people who haven’t seen a college basketball game in 10 years who still religiously fill out a bracket and sweat out the scores and results. It has become larger than just a basketball tournament; it has become a cultural phenomenon.

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Repurposing March Madness

Question: How do you eat an elephant? Answer: One bite at a time. We’ve all heard the riddle before, but how many of us have dismissed it as a children’s joke and not the insightful piece of wisdom that it is. Our grandest goals and most daring dreams can seem so distant and daunting that,

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Eating an Elephant

This summer, I was doing some brainstorming with my colleagues Dan McDowell, Reuben Hoffman, and John Berray about how we can help to lead cultural change at our school. I absolutely believe that leadership and vision can come from any level of an organization. Too many people waste time lamenting the lack of vision and

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Grassroots Community Building

I loved this article in the U-T San Diego paper about the incredible impact that one person can have on a school. You’ll have to read about Leataata Floyd to understand this post. If only every school had more people like her. Imagine a district renaming an entire elementary school after a volunteer. This is

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The Power of Authenticity