“Most magicians stop thinking too soon.” – Dai Vernon Vernon was one of the most influential close-up magicians of all time and his quote equally applies to educators. We have to go deeper! A key tenet of the Teach Like a Pirate philosophy is to look at the world around us and always ask, “How

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A Deep Dive Into Creativity

“These kids today have ZERO attention span.” “Students can’t focus on a task for more than a few seconds.” “How can I teach complex content to kids who have the attention span of a flea.” You’ve probably heard these kinds of comments from educators over the last few years as they try to convince you

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The Attention Span Myth

2015 has been an amazing year for Dave Burgess Consulting, Inc. and for the Teach Like a PIRATE community. We are on a mission to completely disrupt the traditional educational publishing industry and that is exactly what we are doing. If you give me 8  minutes of your time, I’ll give you a brief description

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10 Books in 8 Minutes!

Intrigued by the title? I wanted you to read the foreword I wrote for our latest release, The Innovator’s Mindset: Empower Learning, Unleash Talent, and Lead a Culture of Creativity by George Couros…and both of those words are in the very first line(along with “decaying carcass,” by the way)! George is one of the top thought-leaders

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Buzzwords and Buzzards