I’m sure you’ve all heard the following phrase many times in the educational world…and it must be said in an earnest tone with a completely serious face: “Literacy isn’t the English teacher’s job; it’s everybody’s job.” I actually agree wholeheartedly with this. However, I would like to add a Teach like a PIRATE Corollary to

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The Teach Like a Pirate Corollary

I have recently had a few conversations with amazing educators who feel uneasy about sharing their powerful work with others. What a loss for the rest of us!! This is an excerpt from a chapter I wrote for 140 Twitter Tips for Educators by Brad Currie, Scott Rocco, and Billy Krakower. It is tip 127

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The Critical Importance of 127

Fast food joints and chain restaurants are ubiquitous on our landscape. New ones pop up all the time, others shut down, and we barely notice. Why is that? Because they are dime a dozen, they are the cookie cutters of the restaurant industry, and they are the old-school factory model in an age that increasingly

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Rejecting Fast Food Education

I can still vividly remember those old classic Reese’s commercials. The person eating chocolate bumps into the person eating peanut butter and both are distressed until they take a taste and realize that the combination is delicious. (And they are delicious, by the way…let’s just get that straight!) Sometimes the combination of two seemingly incompatible

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The Reese’s Effect

I’ve never been fully satisfied with the various ways I’ve ended my school year. Too many times, after an amazing year of incredible experiences and powerful relationships, it just seems…anti-climactic. I hate it. It has always bothered me. The bell rings, they walk out, and many times I’ve felt that I missed an opportunity to

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How Will You End Your Year?