Go BIG! Take a leap! Shoot for the moon! Jump in with both feet! We hear this type of advice all the time, and quite frankly, I’m often somebody who gives it. It can be a motivational and inspirational message for some (hopefully!), and it may be just what they need to hear to make

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Go Small!

I love street performers! Busking is a true example of #TLAP’s (Teach Like a Pirate) two essential questions: “If they didn’t have to be there, would you be teaching to an empty room?” “Do you have any lessons you could sell tickets to?” You have to build your own audience from scratch by hooking people in

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“How Do They DO That?”

Homework is a hot topic these days. I have lots of opinions on it…even more so now that my own kids are making their way through school! Here is a quick video (less than 4 minutes!) that may help you look at homework a little differently. It’s based on my observations of the marketing techniques

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Empty Kids Into the Gift Shop!

Maya Angelou is one of my favorite human beings to have ever walked the earth. It was one of my top bucket lists items to get to see her speak in person and I was thrilled to fulfill it at an ASCD conference in Chicago in 2013. She did not disappoint. As her introduction was

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Start. Right. Now.

After the smashing success of the first #IMMOOC, George Couros and Katie Martin are back with an all-new course on educational innovation. The course starts on February 27th and is based on ideas from George’s amazing book, The Innovator’s Mindset. This book has taken the educational world by storm and is currently the #1 best-selling

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