For 10 years, Ramsey Musallam was a highly popular and entertaining science teacher…but were his students actually learning and understanding the science or just enjoying watching him blow stuff up??? It took a life-threatening 6 centimeter aneurysm at the base of his aorta (along with some profound lessons from his surgeon) for Ramsey to have

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How 6 Centimeters Changed Everything

Super proud to share with you that #KidsDeserveIt co-author, Todd Nesloney, has delivered a powerful TEDx talk that I would love for you to watch. I have embedded the video below and it is well worth your time…you may want to get some Kleenex for the last few minutes. I love his message about community

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The Todd Nesloney TEDx Talk

An interesting fact you may not have noticed about Teach Like a PIRATE…there is not one single other educational book referenced in the entire thing. That’s not because I don’t like other educational books! In fact, I publish them and read them all the time! It’s because the #tlap philosophy was drawn from the outside

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The StartEDup Podcast

The response to Lead Like a Pirate by Shelley Burgess and Beth Houf has been astounding! This is the 5th book in the “Like a Pirate” series and we couldn’t be prouder of the impact it is having on the lives of educational leaders everywhere. As we head into a major book study on it (Details below),

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My Lead Like a PIRATE Foreword