You can consider this a special George Couros edition of the blog today!! I have 5 updates and ALL FIVE just happen to have one thing in common…that Canadian guy who wrote The Innovator’s Mindset. Let’s get started! I met George at the 2013 ASCD conference in Chicago. (Read a post about that conference HERE)

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George Times 5

One of my favorite lines from The Zen Teacher by Dan Tricarico is, “When our minds are focused on what we are grateful for, it is almost impossible to feel unhappy.” I believe this to be absolutely true. There are lots of tragic stories, horrific news cycles, and flat out poisonous negativity that bombards us everyday.

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Who Do You Need to Thank?

Play Like a Pirate author, Quinn Rollins, is a master of bringing fun and creativity to the curriculum. He recently posted on his fantastic website some great start of the year ideas using sidewalk chalk and he has been gracious enough to allow me to re-post it here. I love ideas that incorporate multiple #tlap

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Sidewalk Chalk!

As we get ready to head into this coming school year, it is so critical to keep our mightier purpose as educators in the forefront of our minds. It’s so easy to get distracted and overwhelmed by everything that competes for our attention in the hustle and bustle and sometimes sheer chaos of kicking off

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What Will Students Remember?

As a San Diego resident, it is impossible to escape the incredible force of nature that is COMIC-CON. Each year the downtown area comes alive with super heroes, villains, zombies, comic book aficionados, and some of the strangest (read that as awesome) cast of characters you could possibly imagine. It is spectacular. Getting tickets? Not

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Create A School-Wide COMIC-CON