All aboard?! After scrubbing the deck, tidying up the cabin, and replacing the steering column, we are ready to set sail in ship shape! Prepare to discover valuable treasures that will provide you with the resources needed to connect and be inspired by our DBC Inc community. Brace yourself; your mind is about to be

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Setting Sail in Ship Shape

This is one of those no-brainers!!! Not everybody can get away to all of the amazing educational conferences to see top-flight presenters do their thing. Fortunately, Michael Matera (author of Explore Like a PIRATE), has created an incredible digital professional development conference that can be accessed from anywhere you have a device and a connection.

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The Hive Summit is HERE!!!

Wow! I absolutely love everything about The Pepper Effect by Sean Gaillard. Sean is an unashamedly HUGE fan of all things Beatles…he is a walking encyclopedia on their work (and music, in general!). He took his passion for the Beatles and melded it with his passion for improving education and building transformational schools and created an epic mashup that

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The Pepper Effect Joins #tlap!!

Hey! Just a quick post to let you know that George Couros is leading a brand new book study on The#InnovatorsMindset starting July 2nd…and it is on Instagram!! The study will run from 7/2 until 7/18. I have seen firsthand the power of IG as a social media platform so I am excited to watch

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Instagram Book Study!!!

I first brought Tara Martin to your attention on this blog in November of 2016 when she wrote one of the most widely read posts I have ever published, #BookSnaps: Using Snapchat to Create Amazing Reading Reflections. Since then it has been wonderful to watch her come into her own as an educational thought leader, social

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