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Happy Star Wars Day! May the 4th Be With You!

To commemorate this momentous day, I’m sending two fantastic blog posts from one of my favorite educational writers, Quinn Rollins. His ability to weave his passions, what kids find interesting, and curriculum into a powerful combination of educational awesomeness is a masterful display of the Teach Like a Pirate philosophy. If you haven’t picked up his Play Like a Pirate manifesto, it is HIGHLY recommended!

This first post is bordering on Star Wars heresy!!! Quinn makes a bold statement for any human, let alone a Star Wars fanatic…. Yoda was WRONG!

What???? Is it possible that Yoda’s most often quoted line is misguided advice? Find out by reading his blog post RIGHT HERE!!

The second post is a fascinating look at how you can use Star Wars to ramp up your lessons on ecosystems and biomes. Please don’t pass it up just because you don’t teach those subjects!!! It is, most importantly, the thinking behind how he weaves Star Wars into the curriculum that is most important. Read how he does it RIGHT HERE!!

Okay! That’s it!! Go change the universe!!



Here are those links again…I think you’ll enjoy these.

Quinn’s Yoda was Wrong post

Quinn’s  Using Star Wars to Teach Biomes and Ecosystems post

Play Like a Pirate on Amazon & on Barnes & Noble.

Don’t forget to connect at #PlayLAP and #tlap!