Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, 

and Transform Your Life as an Educator

In 2015, we rocked the educational world with the release of The Innovator’s Mindset by George Couros. It had a transformative effect on districts and schools across the United States, Canada, and abroad. If you haven’t read it, go HERE now and grab a copy…it’s amazing. I had a sneaking suspicion that George wasn’t done with authoring books and now, four years later, we are proud to release his next manifesto on the IMpress label, Innovate Inside the Box: Empowering Learners through UDL and the Innovators Mindset, written with Universal Design for Learning (UDL) expert, Katie Novak.

Impressive is an understatement.

If you can get this book into the hands of teachers in your school system, the impact on student learning and the quality of the students’ educational experience will be MASSIVE. Not only does the book dive deeper into George’s 8 Characteristics of an Innovator’s Mindset, but Katie Novak has brought the project to a whole new level of practicality by contributing Universal Design for Learning strategies that will profoundly transform how teachers view instruction and how they design learning experiences that are student-centered and personalized in ways that allow ALL students access to the curriculum.

You will learn how to use UDL to proactively design learning experiences that foster voice and choice while addressing barriers that impede learning. This will allow you to create learner-driven, evidence-informed learning experiences that provide all students with options and choices to maximize success.

This wonderful combination of George’s Innovator’s Mindset approach with the UDL expertise and practical applications provided by Katie really set this book apart and make it a must-read for all educators. Ever school system has constraints that educators have to deal with…this book shows how you can overcome these obstacles and challenges and still innovate regardless of where you work.

And…we have a special bonus if you buy it by 11:59 pm PST on August 17th!!!

We are offering a free digital copy of the professional development resource, “Embracing Inclusive Practice and UDL for Innovation” from Katie Novak with the purchase of  Innovate Inside the Box from Amazon. To receive this resource, you must purchase a copy of Innovate Inside the Box and fill out the Google form RIGHT HERE by August 17, 11:59 PM PST. Here is a description of the module:

“Katie Novak introduces the key differences between inclusion and inclusive practice and discusses how UDL provides all students with opportunities to personalize their learning and work toward high expectations. The module includes videos, discussion questions and optional resources to stretch your learning even further. Please feel free to use for faculty meetings or professional learning communities.”

REMEMBER: Fill out THIS GOOGLE FORM with a PDF or JPG image as proof of purchase of Innovate Inside the Box from Amazon (you will need a Gmail account to fill in this form).

Thanks…please let us know what you think using #InnovateInsideTheBox on social media!!!


PS: Special thanks to Katie Martin, author of Learner-Centered Innovation, for penning an awesome foreword for the book. Katie’s book would make a great companion-piece with Innovate Inside the Box!

PSS: Are you looking for an amazing children’s book to read to your class that will encourage risk-taking and foster self-confidence and courage in your learners? You will LOVE Cannonball In by Be Real author, Tara Martin!!! It is based on a true story and…it just may help YOU embrace that next scary opportunity you are faced with and LEAP right in to make your splash in the world. Find Tara’s book RIGHT HERE and check out her free supplemental resources RIGHT HERE.