Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, 

and Transform Your Life as an Educator

Hey Everybody! 

We are sending you lots of love and encouragement as you navigate these uncertain times. We know you are managing all of these major educational transformations while simultaneously handling all of this with your own families and loved ones, as well. It is truly unprecedented and be sure to offer YOURSELF and others as much grace as possible. 

This past Monday during #tlap chat on Twitter (Every Monday at 8pm CST!), we asked the community to share ideas for using Teach Like a PIRATE hooks at home...and they came through!!! Below is a curated list of some ideas shared by amazing educators from all over the world. It is by no means many others in the chat also shared incredible ideas and thoughts. We tried to put a good mix in and also not make this post too long. So below, you will find ideas for incorporating movement, music, art, mystery, student hobbies, self-directed learning, and inspirational messages into your distance/remote learning lessons! 

We hope it sparks some ideas for you. Also, be sure to read the PS about some INCREDIBLE deals we are running right now...including Google Classroom help from THE Alice Keeler and Kimberly Mattina! Plus books for $2.99!! (Click HERE to immediately see the offers)

Q1: "I Like to Move It, Move It!" Hook

How might we incorporate movement into one of our lessons or learning activities at home?

Featured Responses:

  • @MrsMiraglia A1: Do some chair yoga at the beginning of online work, helps students focus their breath, body and minds. You can also pace into the online learning movements tying into vocab. Every time they see a vocab word add a movement to it #tlap 
  • @MusicalTheresa A1: Incorporating movement into my virtual band lessons isn't something I've thought about before! Maybe the students could find interesting ways to show the beat? Or play their instruments in various rooms in the house! #tlap
  • @angelasbien A1: My son's PE teacher had him do a series of short tasks and check his heart rate after each. Lying down. Plank. Sit-ups. Walking. #tlap
  • @oceanteacherD A1: We are doing our geometry unit and having students measure the perimeter of rooms. We also challenged them to get outside (away from others) and PLAY or RUN AROUND. My kids are confused and nervous. They need to move and be reassured right now. #tlap
  • @mospillman A1: One way we're incorporating movement for our kiddos is by sending them on scavenger hunts around their home for things like shapes, certain number of objects, etc. It has to be more fun than a worksheet. #tlap

Q2: The Mozart Hook 

In what ways might we add music to a distance learning activity? For example... What song might create the right "mood" of the topic? Are there lyrics, we could add or have the students change, that relate to the lesson? #tlap

Featured Responses:

  • @teach_n_boots A2: I've created a class Spotify playlist off of student requested pump-up jams. This was the first hook for our Virtual Challenge 
  • @BGESTAT A2: Music can be used for think time, timers, song parodies to learn content, brain breaks, create playlists, as well as start/end sessions or for transitions. #tlap
  • @TedHiff A2. Using @Flipgrid, students picks music/songs from different periods of history for Social Studies. #TLAP
  • @timneedles A2 I was going to invite students to #create their own instrument with found materials to make #music at home! It’s an always a #fun project! #tlap 
  • @MissMeyerITJHS A2: For language arts, take a favorite song and rewrite the lyrics to reflect what is going on in the world now. #tlap 
  • @MsVandeborne A2:Have older students send you songs that reflect the way they felt that day and then make a daily playlist that reflects the classes emotional status. Like a group thermometer for SE status. #TLAP 

Q3: The Picasso Hook

Art across the curriculum! Virtual opportunities abound! How can we incorporate art into a virtual lesson or activity?

Featured Responses:

  • @TylerCienfuego1 A3: Sketchnotes! Such a fun way for students to visually represent what they are reading/watching/hearing.
  • @yaujauku A3: Totally stole this idea from @ArtSmartInfo (her example) from #ciplc for Morning Meeting today. Ss looking around the house for items to recreate the color wheel. Can't wait to see what they come up with #tlap #issedu #incic
  • @MissMeyerITJHS A3: My assignment for tomorrow is for students to find art in nature and work with some of the vocabulary that describes the natural art. #tlap 
  • @andreakornowski A3: Stop motion video using Legos, Clay, or any other objects at home. #tlap 
  • @brewerSS_nikki A3: I’m using the drawing options in @nearpod still for kids to show learning, kids are drawing on paper and sending pictures of their creations, trying to include lots of images in their assignments #tlap
  • @tishrich A3: Have a design challenge and have them locate 5 items from their junk drawer. Give them a prompt & have them create something that relates to it. Have them share on @Flipgrid or post pics with an explanation on @padlet or @wakelet#TLAP 

Q4: The Student Hobby Hook 

How might we incorporate the hobbies and outside interests of the student into the virtual lesson or activity? 

Featured Responses:

  • @LaSraJaime A4: For my Spanish Ss, this would be a great way to review alot of material by me asking about their foods, past times, likes/dislikes, etc.... Great reminder! #tlap 
  • @GreenScreenGal A4 #tlap Photography is helpful for so many things! Students can go on an adventure to find angles such as obtuse, acute & right angles inside & outside their home, etc. & take photographs. Also, with hobbies & talents, Ss can produce videos to teach the world a skill they have!
  • @TeachingLoL5 A4: Offering choices for reading and writing. I like the idea of genius hour! #tlap
  • @RMSELA1 A4: Creating claims and arguments on topics that interest them. #tlap 
  • @oceanteacherD #tlap A4: Using their favorite hobby... Writing prompts, story creation, student-made videos: ads for people to buy things for, or attend a class in it, computer or hand-drawn advertisements. Find a friend (virtually) and create a Venn Diagram of theirs and yours.
  • @kat_goyette A4: Daily journaling would be a great opportunity for students to share their interests with their teacher, who could respond with more questions about their passions. Journaling with responses from a caring adult strengthens relationships & is great for #SEL#tlap 

Q5: The Student-Directed Hook 

Relinquish control! How can I provide opportunities for autonomy & choice in my lessons? How can I allow the student to dictate the direction of the learning? #tlap @TaraMartinEDU @dbc_inc

Featured Responses:

  • @LaSraJaime A5: This virtual learning moment would be a great time for me to try #choiceboards, which is super popular in the world language circles now. #tlap 
  • @yaujauku A5: After 6 weeks of online learning, we know that As need breaks from screens. We offer choices to do activities with tech or on paper. We has Ss also involve families by teaching them certain games or cheers we do in class. #tlap #issedu #incic 
  • @LeeAnnHall8 A5: students choose people who interest them for biographies, or other areas for expository writing; students choose what books they read to practice skills; students choose how to show what they’ve learned #tlap 
  • @kat_goyette A5: Multiple means of representation: many ways of accessibility content according to preference (i.e. audiobooks, text, podcasts, websites, videos, etc) #tlap

Two For 1

 Q6 Choose the one you want to answer. (Really, Tara made a scheduling goof. LOL. But, we rolled with it. She likes to keep it REAL.)

Q6a The Mystery Bag Hook:

How can we gain engagement by openly hiding something from the class during a virtual learning experience? 

Q6b The Life-Changing Lesson Hook:

How can I share an inspirational message into the content delivery at this time?

Featured Responses:

  • @TylerCienfuego1 A6: Practice empathy with the characters in your life's story right now. Honestly, this might be the reason I chose English as my subject. Right now the world has an epic conflict-- we ARE the story! (Have we ever not been?) #tlap 
  • @raspberryberet3 A6: I’ve done many digital breakouts using Google Forms - each form reveals a letter to unlock message #tlap 
  • @raspberryberet3 A6: Create memes, Ted talks, GIFs, Quotes, Gratitude prompts 
  • @SteinbrinkLaura A6: Mystery Bag Hook: Can drop Easter Eggs during a @zoom_us meeting, podcast, or in screencast tutorials, or videos that I create for their learning. Ss have to find the Egg! Love! Can tie that to any content. Life-Changing Hook: Let Ss find the Qs to ask, probs to solve. #tlap 

Can’t wait to hear how YOU use hooks at home! Feel free to share with us on social media using #tlap. Tag me on Twitter at @burgessdave and/or Instagram at @dbc_inc!!


PS: Google Classroom help has arrived!!! We know many are in desperate need of help navigating Google Classroom NOW so we have created a special digital draft of the new book from Alice Keeler and Kimberly Mattina, Stepping Up to Google Classroom: 50 Steps for Beginners to Get Started.

Pre-order the book now and we will send you a digital draft within 24 hrs so you can dive in immediately. We will then ship you the physical book when production finishes (April). Don’t be fooled by the title, even experienced users can benefit from this book. Click RIGHT HERE for this special offer. 

PSS: We know you need resources NOW. We have massively reduced the prices of several specially selected Kindles to $2.99. That’s right!! You can instantly download and start accessing incredible ideas from our authors for less than $3 a book!!! CLICK HERE to see the list of available titles (scroll down past the Google Classroom offer). 

PSSS: Want to participate in an Innovator’s Mindset book study group on Facebook? George Couros and Katie Martin (author of Learner-Centered Innovation) are leading a closed Facebook Group Book Study on this incredible that has never been more relevant. Join the group HERE and then feel free to introduce yourself on the welcome post. The study starts Friday but jump in when you can! Happy learning...share with your whole team!