Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, 

and Transform Your Life as an Educator

I am PUMPED to bring you this guest post by the amazing Kasey Bell about how to transform your classroom into an incredible DYNAMIC LEARNING experience for kids! And…learn how you can get a FREE digital course ($99 value!!) by pre-ordering her new book…and the book will knock your socks off. No more messing around…here is Kasey!!

As much I as I love technology, it is not a magic solution. It is, however, an opportunity–an opportunity for dynamic learning.

What Is Dynamic Learning?

Dynamic Learning is learning that goes beyond one-and-done activities and allows the learning to live and grow by providing learning experiences that break the bounds of the school day and classroom walls, taking us beyond due dates and prescribed curriculums, and redefining the use of digital tools. It’s like giving your classroom metabolism a boost!

The idea of dynamic learning is something I have explored deeply. I continually seek ways to compile and describe all the ways that technology can take learning to new heights and push boundaries. Traditional teaching must change. It has to. It’s simply no longer enough. Why do we still employ so many static assignments and activities that never get the chance to transform learning for our students? We must move past the idea of doing old things with new tools and truly make the most of what this wonderful, twenty-first-century world has to offer.

As I’ve mentioned, I taught English Language Arts, and one of the lessons I would teach every year was about the difference between static and dynamic characters. As I started trying to think of ways to describe a different approach to learning, the word dynamic came to mind. According to Google dictionary, dynamic means “characterized by constant change, activity, or progress.”

The word dynamic fits perfectly, and I don’t think any other word in the English language could better express what I am trying to say. We can do so many things that make learning more dynamic by reaching beyond what we thought was possible. We’ve explored changes in technology, learning, and what it means for the future, and these changes present us with the opportunity to move learning from static to dynamic.


Is the Learning in Your Classroom Static or Dynamic?


Is the learning in your classroom static or dynamic? Are your students spending time on orderly, one-and-done activities, or are they getting a little messy and exploring and evolving throughout the year? With digital tools such as G Suite for Education, which are available around the clock, learning doesn’t have to start and stop when the bell rings. Learning can take on a life of its own. The focus shifts to the process and not just the end product or assessment. This concept alone can change the way we facilitate all learning in the classroom. Be boundless!

Consider the dreaded worksheet. There might be good, critical thinking questions on that worksheet, but once it is turned in, that’s the end of that line of thinking. Paper activities make it difficult to allow learning to grow organically and to share or collaborate. You aren’t still on MySpace, so why are you still assigning worksheets? Now compare that worksheet with a Google Doc, a blog, or a website. Digital tools like these give us the opportunity to be more dynamic because they can be updated, provide immediate feedback, offer real-time assistance, and connect to global resources. My website ( would be worthless to me if I couldn’t update it and make changes and add additional content. That’s what makes the Web so powerful: It’s alive and constantly changing.

Now go back to that worksheet and ponder how it could grow into something more dynamic, creative, and meaningful. What if instead of just writing the answers to questions on a piece of paper, students were demonstrating their knowledge through a collaborative Google Drawing of the Battle of the Alamo? What if they could include labels, historical figures, videos, and links and were able to tell the story in a completely new and interactive way? What if, even after their work had been assessed, they were allowed to continue developing the topics that piqued their interest?

My goal with my new book, Shake Up Learning, is to help teachers see the big picture and not be overwhelmed by every new thing, but to let go of traditional ideas of teaching and learn how to facilitate meaningful learning that maximizes all that we have at our disposal.


The Dynamic Learning Framework


I have put together a simple model and framework to bring together the common characteristics of important twenty-first learning experiences.


When you think Dynamic Learning, think BEYOND!


  • Beyond the Bell (a mindset): This idea of going beyond the boundary of the class day doesn’t mean homework. This is a mindset for students that means that learning can take place anytime, anywhere and students can own it.
  • Beyond the Grade Level and Subject Area: Let’s take kids off the conveyor belt of education and give them opportunities to learn about the things that interest them beyond the subject areas we teach, while still drawing connections, and even beyond what it says they should learn in each grade level. Learning doesn’t have to fit inside a box.
  • Beyond the Walls: Bring the world to your students and bring your students to the world. Every student in every grade should have opportunities to connect and learn globally as well as publish their work online for a global audience.
  • Beyond the Tools: Think beyond using digital tools to do traditional things, like typing a paper. Use digital tools to do NEW things! Just going paperless or digital isn’t enough, use tools to go further, deeper and extend the learning, and consider using tools in alternative ways–beyond their original purpose. Reach beyond what you think a digital tool can do and should be used for.
  • Beyond the Due Date: Consider allowing students to continue the work that interests them beyond the final assessment of the assignment or task. Thinking, learning, exploring, shouldn’t be stifled simply because it was time to turn it in.


Take it One Step at a Time

Now, don’t misunderstand me. I am not living in a “pie in the sky,” world of education. I realize we still have to operate within the confines of the systems we have, but I do believe that we can meaningfully incorporate more dynamic learning strategies in our classrooms without ignoring all of those things we have to do and are required to learn in our classrooms. I don’t think it is a choice. We are doing students a disservice if we aren’t moving BEYOND traditional learning with the technology we now have within our grasp. Just small pushes against the walls, against the system, can bring about meaningful change.




at a Time

That’s all it takes, just one small step at a time. I’m not asking anyone to immerse their classrooms in these ideas overnight. I’m just asking that as educators, we consider the transformation that is possible and try new things. Even in small increments, we can make a big difference, and better prepare our students for the future.

Learn more about dynamic learning in Kasey’s new book, Shake Up Learning: Practical Ideas to Move Learning From Static to Dynamic.


Shake Up Learning by Kasey Bell

What if you could change your classroom tomorrow?


This isn’t a book about technology, Google, silver bullets, or pie-in-the-sky thinking. This is a book about LEARNING!


Technology is not a magic solution for education. It is an opportunity! An opportunity to shake things up, to connect and grow, and to create dynamic learning experiences for our students!  


In this three-part book, you will explore WHY it’s time to Shake Up Learning, WHAT changes we can make in our classrooms to support dynamic learning experiences, and HOW to plan meaningful lessons for your classroom.


You’ll discover . . .


  • Practical strategies to help move from static teaching to dynamic learning
  • Straightforward and easy-to-use templates for crafting engaging learning opportunities
  • Tips and tricks for fearless implementation of powerful lesson plans
  • Advice for moving from one-and-done activities to learning that evolves and inspires throughout the school year—and beyond!
  • Great ideas for K-12 classrooms!

Pre-Order Now and Get a Special Bonus Offer: The Dynamic Learning Workshop ($99 Value)

If you pre-order between now and April 3, 2018, you can get FREE access to the companion course for the book, The Dynamic Learning Workshop. Don’t just read the book, experience Shake Up Learning and bring the learning to life.


Here’s how to claim your FREE Gift!

  1. Pre-Order the book on Amazon or Barnes & Noble.
  2. Forward your receipt to
  3. On April 4th, when the book and course are released, you will receive an email with information on how to access the workshop. (**All receipts must be received no later than 4/14/18)


WOW!!!!! Thanks, Kasey!! This book is FANTASTIC…and with a FREE online workshop thrown in????? Total NO-BRAINER!! Pick up this book and claim your free course! Follow the conversation and join the tribe at #ShakeUpLearning on Twitter! If you grab a copy…tweet us and let us know! I’m @burgessdave there!



Time is limited!! To get the free course you must buy by 4/3/18.