Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, 

and Transform Your Life as an Educator

“Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us get up and go to work.” - Stephen King

Waiting for inspiration to hit is not the best way forward. 

First, you go to WORK...then the inspiration comes second. 

Waiting for inspiration is a recipe for unwritten books, projects never completed, goals unachieved, companies never started, and, ultimately, unfulfilled dreams. 

Get up and start working.

Whatever you are trying to got this!!


PS: Are you going???? We think the #dbcPIRATEcon is going to be THE professional development event of 2020!! We hope you will join us and bring a whole team with you because it is going to be more than any one person can possibly see! Over 50 authors will be holding sessions and we have FIVE general session keynotes!!! You would have to go to at least 10 conferences to see all of these educators do their thing.

Imagine seeing George Couros, Kim Bearden, JImmy Casas, Hamish Brewer, and me keynoting over two days!!! Add in a who’s who of our incredible DBC authors...well... It is going to happen...and it will be INSANE! Join us in San Diego, CA from June 12-14, 2020. Go to our DBC Pirate Con page and see all the details!!

PSS: Please share this conference with your colleagues! We have bulk rates for teams and we know it could have a huge impact for your system! The conference link is