In a recent #tlap chat, #edtech and #GoogleEDU guru Eric Curts blew us all away with tons of ways to use Google Docs, Google Drawings, Google Sheets, and Google Slides in wildly creative ways in the classroom. In addition, many others shared their powerful ideas, as well. We curated Eric's responses and a few others for each question and wanted to share it with you below.
We just recently published Eric's incredible book, Control Alt Achieve: Rebooting Your Classroom with Creative Google Projects... and the reception and feedback has been amazing! Eric's blog has been a go-to resource for years, and now you can have his practical, ready to drop right into your classroom ideas in a beautiful book with tons of images and color throughout. It is gorgeous! More importantly, whether next year is in person, remote, or will be SET! Go HERE to grab your copy!
Enjoy the ideas and links from the chat below!!
Recap of #TLAP Hosted by Eric Curts

Thank you, Eric, for hosting #tlap!
Wow! I hope that got your creative juices flowing! Thanks to Eric for hosting and to our #tlap community for their contributions. LOTS of amazing ideas beyond this were shared, but we tried to grab a few for you.
PS: Feel free to share your thoughts using #ControlAltAchieve on social media, and PLEASE go check out Eric's book RIGHT HERE. I am convinced it has stuff you will USE!
Control Alt Achieve
Transform Your Classroom with Tech Tools You Already Know
With Control Alt Achieve, educational-technology wizard Eric Curts offers you the keys to revolutionizing classroom learning with the Google tools you already use. Dazzle your students by transforming Google Docs into blackout poetry, fire up creative possibilities by using Google Slides for comic strips, and make math more accessible—and fun—by turning to Google Drawings as an unlikely ally. With Eric as your guide to the technological horizons of Google tools, the possibilities are endless.