Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, 

and Transform Your Life as an Educator

I just wanted to take this Thanksgiving opportunity to let you know that I am thankful to have you as a part of my Outrageous Teaching e-mail and blog family.  I look forward to being able to stay in contact with you through this format and would love to hear your thoughts, examples, and questions.

One of the best changes I’ve made in my life is to try to start each day with an attitude of gratitude.  Each morning when I swing my feet out of bed I take a moment and mentally run through the things in my life for which I am thankful.  I don’t do it like I am reciting a grocery list but with sincere feeling and emotion.  If you want more positive things to come into your life, the best place to start is by showing thanks for all that is already there.  Next, I firmly and confidently set my intentions upon actualizing the type of person and life that is my goal and vision.  All of this might only take two minutes of time in the morning but it can be as powerful as you make it.

I have started to do a similar ritual during the last few minutes of my drive into work.  I turn off whatever I am listening to and concentrate on breathing full and deep, in through the nose and out through the mouth, while affirming the type of day that I intend to have and the type of teacher I intend to be.  I know that this is too far “out there” for some of you but all I can say is don’t knock until you try it sincerely for a month.  You might just find it to be an addicting habit and not the type of habit that you need to kick.

Thank you for dedicating your life to a profession that is one of the most influential and powerful in the whole world.  I can’t think of anything more important than shaping and molding the minds and spirits of young people.  I know teaching has had some bad press lately and there are always a few idiots who think they know everything that’s wrong in education but have never taught a day in their life.  I don’t even bother to engage them or worry about the press because it’s not worth my time and energy and it’s not worth yours, either.  You can’t measure a teacher’s impact in D/F rates and standardized test scores.  A teacher’s impact can only be measured through generations.  I know what it takes to stand in front of a class and teach everyday so I appreciate that you have chosen to rise up to the challenge and fulfill one of the most significant roles that any society has to offer.