I am a huge fan of Play Like a Pirate author, Quinn Rollins. He is the perfect example of someone who has embraced his quirkiness and “inner freak” and taken what he is most passionate about and woven it into his teaching style with great success. If you haven’t read his manifesto on the incorporation of toys, games, Lego, Play Doh, action figures, comics, graphic novels, etc. into the curriculum…you need to! He also does incredible hands-on workshops for teachers about all of the above. He just recently smashed a Graphics Novels workshop at ASCD in Anaheim…you can contact us here to book Quinn and look at his topics. (Did you know almost all of our authors speak for us, as well? Look here for details!)
Here is Quinn’s fantastic guest post on Kermit the Frog!
It’s no secret that Kermit the Frog is one of my heroes. My Twitter handle is @jedikermit, my car’s license plate is KERMIT, my desk toys, framed photos and magazine covers and artwork–I’m a fan of the frog. This month is Kermit the Frog’s birthday (a matter of some dispute, but May 9 is cited most often these days), and it has me thinking about him. Like I wasn’t anyway.
Part of the reason I’ve loved him — and many of you have — is that he’s a great teacher. I first met him as a character on Sesame Street, not The Muppet Show or Muppet movies. And on Sesame Street, he was often the role of a grownup among more juvenile characters (you could argue the same for The Muppet Show, actually), teaching other characters and even real actual human children. There are five things in particular I love about How Kermit Teaches, that I think we can all learn from:
First and foremost may be Kermit’s Vision. It’s inclusive, it’s optimistic, it’s about using entertainment and education to lift people up and make them happy. It’s a good vision. As teachers, if we don’t have an inclusive, optimistic vision, it’s difficult to do what’s best for our students…or ourselves. Kermit’s own vision is summarized best in the final confrontation between the frog and Doc Hopper in The Muppet Movie: