Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, 

and Transform Your Life as an Educator

Yessss!!! It's back!! 

This is the best of the best as far as at-home, watch when you want, make a cup of coffee (Diet Coke for me!), don't bother getting out of your PJs, and LEARN at your own speed from some awesome educators!

Missed something? Watch it back it again! Can't watch today? They are up and available for days!! Binge watch them all if you want! Oh? Did you miss previous years...including the one I did a session for????? They are ALL open and available going back years!!!! 

Best of all? FREE!!! What???? Yes, Matt Miller is a bit crazy...but we all get to benefit! Nobody pulls this online summit thing off better than Matt and I know you will love this year's #DitchSummit programs. Below is a special message and invitation directly from Matt! See you in #DitchSummit! I'll definitely be tuning in, too!

Guest Post by Matt Miller

What if you had access to a really GOOD Netflix-style online professional development?

You know, not boring videos of stuff that you’ll never use, but practical ideas. Inspiration. Plug and play activities you can use in class tomorrow. And from speakers you KNOW you’ll love to listen to.

Well, that Netflix of professional development exists, and it’s only available December 13th through January 7th!

Oh and it’s completely FREE! Watch the videos whenever you want over the window of the summit, and since it is virtual…you can make it PAJAMA PD! 

I’m Matt Miller, author of Ditch That Textbook … a blogger, speaker, creator of things for educators and the host of the Ditch That Textbook Digital Summit.

Every year I put on a free online conference for teachers each year called the Ditch That Textbook Digital Summit. Here are the details:

We release new sessions day by day for nine days. But once they're out, you can watch them (or rewatch them!) whenever and wherever you want, from the time it opens on December 13 until it closes on January 7.

Also one of the BEST things: the variety of speakers. DBC authors are featured PROMINENTLY in the Ditch Summit, with sessions including ...

  • Teach Like a Pirate author Dave Burgess
  • 50 Things You Can Do with Google Classroom author Alice Keeler
  • Talk to Me author and Ron Clark Academy co-founder Kim Bearden
  • EduProtocol Field Guide author Jon Corippo
  • Explore Like a Pirate author Michael Matera
  • Learn Like a Pirate author Paul Solarz
  • Control Alt Achieve author Eric Curts
  • … and more!

Oh, and there’s me! I (Matt Miller) have several sessions on tech integration, including a FUN one on my book, Tech Like a Pirate! It’s full of ideas to make learning memorable with tech!

Other speakers you can see at the Ditch Summit that you may have heard of ...

  • Atomic Habits author James Clear
  • Show Your Work author Austin Kleon
  • Kid President co-creator Brad Montague

Here’s what educators are saying about the Ditch Summit: 

It is so motivating to hear passionate educators speak about how we can make a difference for students. It always takes place at a moment where everyone needs a little energy boost. Thanks! -- Emilie Racine, educational consultant, Quebec 

You DO NOT want to miss this year's #ditchsummit hosted by @jmattmiller. You gain valuable knowledge from top innovators AND receive tips you can implement immediately!!

It's FREE PD that will change the way you teach!!! -- Catherine Day, reading specialist, Pennsylvania

Have you registered? Go to to get signed up. (It'll take 15 seconds ... super quick. Go do it now so you don't forget!)

Oh, and there are free prizes, too! We will be giving away TONS of prizes throughout the summit including books signed by authors, edtech subscriptions, online courses, and more!

So, the topics … what are the presentations about? Each year, I’ve brainstormed my favorite presenters in the education space and asked them to participate in the summit. And each year, almost all have said yes!

This year’s new speakers include: 


  • Dr. Catlin Tucker, author, educator, and blended learning expert
  • Deanna Rice, STEM teacher and classroom supply guru
  • Jen Giffen, sketchnote and visual thinking enthusiast
  • Chanel Johnson, leader in STEM and culturally responsive teaching
  • Merve Lapus, VP Education Outreach and Engagement, Common Sense Media
  • Nate Ridgway, educator, author, UDL & differentiation enthusiast
  • Todd Shriver, tech integration specialist, virtual guest guru
  • Mike Lang, Director of Storytelling, ed.Xtraordinary
  • Gina Ruffcorn, veteran fifth grade teacher, student choice advocate

Ways to share Ditch Summit with your colleagues:

1. Email your school staff, district staff, teacher friends, etc. about the summit.

You can copy and paste the text of this document into the email if you want to make it easy!

2. Tweet about it. Here's a quick and easy pre-written tweet you can use to tell others you're joining the summit -- so they can too. Have Facebook? Click here to post to Facebook about the summit. 

3. Hang up a flyer at your school. For the teachers who don't get this email newsletter (I know ... sad) here's a printable flyer (Google Slides file / PDF download) so they won't miss out on the Ditch Summit fun! (PS: Yes, you are allowed to hang this up in the staff restroom ... captive audience, you know ...)

If you’ve made it this far in this post and haven’t claimed your free ticket to the Digital Summit, what are you waiting for?!? Head to right now and get signed up!


Thank you, Matt!'s Dave again. Thank you to Matt Miller!!! I am super excited to share this FREE #DitchSummit opportunity with you. Thank you so much for all you are doing for colleagues and kids during this incredibly challenging school year. Hopefully, this will be the boost you need over winter break to help prepare you for the rest of the year. need to watch them at any set time or day...even skip around to what best fits you. Priority one is BREAK. And, if you have the bandwidth, enjoy some of this free PD, too! Tempted to add a PJ picture here...but that may be too much! 🙂 
