I’m proud of the work I did as a full-time practicing teacher for 17 years. I truly believe I had a positive impact on the lives of thousands of students. I still hear from many of them today, and it makes me proud of what I was able to accomplish in my teaching career. I think I made a difference.
And this is hard.
I also made a lot of mistakes.
So many moments I would take back.
So many lessons I would add or tweak.
And several that I would eliminate altogether.
I’m currently out of the classroom, and those “moments” are gone.
But, I DO know that I am still able to influence classrooms and schools all over the world with my current work as a professional development speaker and, most importantly, in my role as President of the Dave Burgess Consulting, Inc. publishing company. Our team (Shelley, Tara, Wendy, Marisol, and me) can do our best to bring you projects that will move the needle and provide you the resources you need to be the most successful and effective educator you can be. We can amplify the voices of other educators that have messages that deserve a wider audience.
And so...the work continues. We are trying to get better and better at this. We still slip up. We still miss things. We stumble. But, we get up and keep moving forward to try to give you the best of the best. We are PROUD of our entire line and each of our incredible authors.
Unpack Your Impact: How Two Primary Teachers Ditched Problematic Lessons and Built a Culture-Centered Curriculum is here. I think it is a must-read...now more than ever. It is written by two amazing teachers, Naomi O’Brien and LaNesha Tabb. They have been creating, refining, and sharing amazing curriculum for YEARS. Teachers all over the nation have benefitted from their lessons, primarily in social studies and anti-racism work. These two have been walking the talk...and well before it was the hot topic of the moment. Both of them are wonderful follows on Instagram and share prolifically. Follow Naomi and LaNesha on Instagram by clicking HERE and HERE.
This book...it is fantastic. It follows their journey of how they weave culturally relevant lessons into what they teach on a daily basis. It shows you how to make cross-curricular connections to make everything you do more meaningful for today’s students. And, yes...it also shows you some traditional lessons that have been handed down for years that just honestly need to go. Fortunately, it also shows you the type of lessons you can and should do instead!
I have seen some writers and speakers address these issues in ways that seem judgmental and aimed at evoking shame. This isn’t that. This is more, “Hey, I did these things, too...let me show why I don’t now and what works better for me and my students.” We’re just all trying to get better.
The main intended audience? Primary teachers looking to really ramp up their social studies curriculum in an engaging, meaningful, and culturally relevant way. But, trust me on this, middle school and high school teachers will learn a lot from this book. I taught high school...it would have been relevant for me, too.
We are proud to work with Naomi and LaNesha to amplify their voices and share their powerful message with the world. Learn more and grab a copy of #UnpackYourImpact RIGHT HERE!!!!
Thank you!
PS: I just recorded a podcast interview on the Rise for Educators show, and I would love for you to give it a listen! Here is episode 23 on Apple Podcasts HERE or episode 23 on Spotify HERE! Let me know what you think! I’m @burgessdave on Twitter and @dbc_inc on Instagram.
PSS: Have you picked up a copy of Thrive Through the FIve yet? This DBC Inc. book from Jill Siler is absolutely SPECTACULAR. The moment for this message is NOW. I can’t imagine anyone not being inspired by this book and leaving it more confident about their ability to meet this moment. Grab your copy RIGHT HERE.