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On March 5th, 2018, I met Santa Claus.

I know you think I am either messing with you or maybe crazy, but I’m telling you it is true.

I first saw him standing in line at the Delta suit and all. He was traveling with Mrs. Claus, who was also sporting all red. 

I know you are thinking, “Why would Santa be taking a plane when he has flying reindeer?” Apparently, it takes storing up a whole lot of magic to get those reindeer everywhere on Christmas Eve so Santa flies coach the rest of the year. You may be wondering how I know this and it is because I heard Santa tell parents this is what they should tell their kids if they ask. Dang...this dude was a pro. This was not his first sleigh ride. 

We boarded the plane and I found myself sitting right behind Santa and Mrs. Claus. I then witnessed something absolutely miraculous transpire right in front of my own eyes. This was a plane full of tired, delayed, late-night travelers coming from who knows what and headed to who knows where. People looked exhausted...that is...until they saw Santa. I watched passengers come down the narrow aisle and do a double-take as their eyes were scanning those of us already seated. Then a triple take. Hilarious!! Nobody wanted to say anything because who wants to be the jerk who makes fun of a passenger who just happens to have white hair, a big beard, and is dressed in a red suit? 

All it took was eye contact and a big smile. A silent acknowledgment that “I know what you are thinking and...YES! It’s me!”

Faces. Lit. Up. 

I’m not talking just smiles. I am telling you I saw exhausted adults become excited kids in an instant. This was March. On a plane. Santa.  A total non sequitur. 

One man was brave enough to say it. “Santa?”

Mrs Claus replied, “Yes he is! Would you like to take a picture with him?”

Boom! The flood gates opened. Before we sped down the runway, I saw probably 20-30 passengers come from all areas of the plane to get a picture with Santa. All of them absolutely giddy with excitement. Laughter and joyful conversation filled the plane. 

“My kids are going to freak out!”

“Did you see we are flying with Santa?”

Happiness everywhere. 

As it turns out, our Santa was on a second leg home from a Santa Claus convention. (Take a second to wrap your head around that’s not just us educators that get together to talk shop!) As soon as we got off the plane in San Diego, I was on a mission. I needed a picture with Santa. Most of the adults getting pictures on the plane played it off smoothly as a picture to show their kids (liars!)...but this one was for me. I hustled up from behind, “Santa! Can I take a selfie with you?” Just as on the plane, he was entirely and completely gracious and posed with an adult who dresses like a pirate for a living. Here’s the pic.

I thought about it long and hard that evening and have thought about it many times since. 

I was SHOOK. 

One person (albeit a magical one!), completely transformed the energy of an entire plane of worn down passengers. He changed the vibe. He lifted spirits. He brought joy, wonderment, and a sense of astonishment. 

I AM TELLING YOU IT IS TRUE. I saw it and felt it from one row back.  

But wait. How many of us on that plane then went home in a little better place? How many of us immediately shared the experience with our families and friends? How many interactions in a long cascading chain of events were altered as a result of that night? Ultimately, the answer is most likely infinitely huge. 

What an incredible power we have as human beings. But, to quote Spiderman’s uncle, “With great power comes great responsibility.” 

So, I have to ask:

What kind of energy do you bring into the room when you come in? 

How do you make people feel when they’re in your presence? 

Do people leave interactions with you feeling better about themselves? 

Do you inspire and uplift? 

It’s not just having a “positive mental attitude,” greeting people with a smile, or being “nice.” It’s the core of who you are as a human. I am not trying to sound all woo-woo but I truly believe that some people have unmistakable energy...they vibrate at a higher frequency. Simply put, they make the world a better place just by being in it. don’t have to be Santa Claus to do it. YOU can do it. When you fully immerse yourself in the moment and bring all of your authentic and empowered self into everything you do, you can be that spark that ignites a flame that starts a fire which builds into a blaze and leads to an inferno that, ultimately, makes the whole world and everybody in it burn a whole lot brighter. 

So, is Santa real? Absolutely. I flew coach with Saint Nick in 2018 and I still haven’t forgotten it. 

Happy Holidays!


PS: If you haven’t read my “Play Your Drum” blog post with THREE incredible versions of my favorite Christmas Carol included, I would be honored if you checked it out RIGHT HERE. Tweet me at @burgessdave on Twitter using the #tlap hashtag and let me know your favorite! If you are on Instagram, tag me at @dbc_inc and let me know!