Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, 

and Transform Your Life as an Educator

Image created by David Carruthers (@dcarruthersedu)

Owning and taking responsibility for your professional development is one of the key separators between average educators and those destined to be great. And by great, I am referring to amplifying the impact you have on your students and in the larger educational community. But, that doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. One of the most powerful learning experiences I have witnessed has been in the first 3 rounds of #IMMOOC (Innovator’s Mindset Massive Open Online Course) organized by George Couros. I have seen it build capacity, push people’s thinking, and nudge them out of their comfort zones.

It has been truly transformational for many participants….and it’s back! (Oh! It is also FREE. The book purchase is optional and the only expense involved)

Previous rounds have been based on George’s book, The Innovator’s Mindset, but this time there are 2 other incredible choices in addition to IM. No need to read all three…pick one to focus on.

The first choice is a brand new book released by IMpress (a division of Dave Burgess Consulting, Inc.) called Learner Centered Innovation by the brilliant Katie Martin. It takes a provocative look at how we can reshape schools to meet the needs of students in this complex and ever-changing world. Prepare to be challenged. Prepare to take a serious look at your current practice and be asked to reflect deeply about how it could improve. Prepare to walk away ready to, as the sub-title reads, “Spark Curiosity, Ignite Passion, and Unleash Genius.”

Your second choice(also from IMpress) is Empower: What Happens When Students Own Their Learning by A.J. Juliani and John Spencer. In a word…WOW. The inspiring message combined with the beautiful design features make for a masterful manifesto.

You simply can’t go wrong. All 3 books are incredible.

#IMMOOC starts on 2/26, so choose a book, get signed up HERE, and join the action. If you really want to up the impact…get some colleagues to join you and do it together!! There is nothing like an accountability partner to keep you on track!



P.S. Okay…whether you join #IMMOOC or not…I would love for you to read Katie’s new book. I know you will gain immeasurably by diving into her thoughts on how we can design schools and classes that empower students in meaningful ways. Pick up Learner Centered Innovation HERE