Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, 

and Transform Your Life as an Educator

I am filled with gratitude for the support this community has shown our
messages and our authors. That’s why I had to share some amazing news…this past week has been a record-setting week for DBC Inc. with the runaway best-selling release of The Wild Card by Hope and Wade King of the Ron Clark Academy.

I have never seen anything like it…the buzz and early reviews have been insane.

It went into the top 10 new releases on Amazon…out of ALL BOOKS on their site!! It went to well under 100 in best selling books on their site and, again, that is out of ALL books…not just education.

At the same time, it went to under 50 in the best selling books on Barnes & Noble. Incredible!

If you enjoyed Teach Like a Pirate, you are going to LOVE this book. If you haven’t had a chance to pick it up, we would be honored if you gave it a read.  You can get it on AMAZON RIGHT HERE or at BARNES & NOBLE RIGHT HERE.

I think you will be inspired by their story and walk away with a ton of useful ideas you can immediately implement in your classroom.

The Premise? Students don’t get to choose the cards they get in life. Every kid has to play the hand their dealt. But…you, as their teacher, can #BeTheWildCard!! Powerful message and filled with inspiration and hard-hitting teaching strategies to move you to the next level for your kids.

Thanks again for your support!! This community fills me with great hope for our profession. Keep fighting the good fight for kids!!


P.S. Please let us know what you think of The Wild Card when you get it and we would love to see a picture in the #BeTheWildCard and #tlap hashtags on Twitter!