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I loved this article in the U-T San Diego paper about the incredible impact that one person can have on a school. You’ll have to read about Leataata Floyd to understand this post. If only every school had more people like her. Imagine a district renaming an entire elementary school after a volunteer. This is further proof that educational change can be led from any level of the system. It’s not always the people with leadership titles on our campuses who have the moral authority to transform the culture of a whole school community.


“She has an air of authenticity, an air of humility, and air of respect” What a wonderful observation; authenticity just might be the most important trait of a leader. It can’t be learned in a master’s or doctorate program; it’s about who you are as a person and it absolutely can’t be faked. The new principal knew immediately that Tata was the true leader of the school by the way the parents and children behaved as she walked through the crowd. The “honor and respect” was palpable.


Sometimes we get so caught up in the latest educational trends, initiatives, and programs that we forget the most powerful impact we can make is by just showing up everyday and authentically loving and caring for the kids in our charge.